Artificial Intelligence features
in the new Speedmaster.

The artificial intelligence features embedded in the new generation of Speedmaster presses are based on intelligent algorithms that can automatically configure complex production parameters which previously had to be manually defined by the operator.

This is how artificial intelligence works: During production, settings and quality measurements are first collected and then automatically evaluated. Regular data patterns are identified and their effect on the production result is learned. The insights are used to optimize the efficiency and quality of upcoming production.

Autonomous process optimization:

Preset 2.0.


Preset 2.0 not only includes new presettings, but also new air characteristic profiles and optimized speed compensation. For Preset 2.0, the data pool of the installed base has been used to detect patterns, identify potential, and generate basic settings (default values) that increase the efficiency of print production – autonomously and without human influence.

For Preset 2.0, data from over 600,000 print jobs was analyzed using an algorithm and continuously improved. An improvement in productivity of up to five percent is possible on the basis of the new characteristic curves and settings alone.

Self-learning color setting:

Color Assistant Pro.


The Color Assistant Pro software in combination with a Prinect color measurement system (e.g. Prinect Inpress Control 3) permits fully automatic and continuous optimization of the ink presetting on the Speedmaster and, as a result, absolute precision during ink metering. Using the measured values provided by the Prinect color measurement system, the intelligent software algorithm reviews whether the ink presetting can be improved, and adapts it fully automatically. This means that the color presetting profiles are always up to date. The new Color Assistant Pro avoids mistakes due to manual handling and achieves increased performance independently of the operator. In this way, the perfect conditions for fast setup with minimal paper waste are created automatically.

Optimum powder setting:

Powder Assistant.


The innovative Powder Assistant achieves consistent print quality with less powder and therefore also less cleaning time. The intelligent tool independently selects the optimal presetting based on the color assignment and substrate.

Intelligent washup program selection:

Wash Assistant.


For the first time, the Wash Assistant feature permits intelligent and automatic selection of the right washup program on the basis of the press status for the blanket, impression cylinder, and inking unit washing systems. The ensure the selection of the right washup program, the degree of soiling left behind in the printing units after previous printing conditions is continuously analyzed during production. The Wash Assistant enables shorter setup times with good washup results as well as minimal washup cloth and washing fluid consumption.

Intelligent job changes:

Intellistart 3.


Intellistart 3 defines all the steps required for the job change without any operator intervention and provides maximum transparency across all active and queued processes. What makes Intellistart 3 unique is that it compares the current press setting with the settings required for the next job, and the information obtained is used to automatically generate a job change program. Intellistart 3 thus automatically generates all the steps required for the intelligent job change in the form of a dynamic and process-oriented process list. This permits an effective and fast job change with no downtimes.

All in one